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Investor FAQ

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Where are Perficient shares traded?
The company's stock is traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol PRFT.
How do I purchase stock in Perficient?
PRFT's common stock can be purchased through any registered broker.
Does Perficient pay dividends?
No. Perficient does not currently pay a dividend and does not anticipate paying one in the foreseeable future.
Has Perficient ever split its stock?
No, PRFT has never had a stock split.
How do I obtain a copy of the company's financial statements, such as an Annual Report, Form 10-K or Form 10-Q?
PRFT's applicable Annual Reports, Form 10-Ks, Form 10-Qs and other SEC reports are available for viewing at or
When is PRFT's fiscal year-end?
PRFT's fiscal year-end is December 31.
How many employees does PRFT have?
Perficient has approximately 7,500 global colleagues.
How can I find more information on Perficient's management and Board of Directors?
For more information on executive management and BOD members visit the Leadership Team page.
Where is Perficient located?

The company's corporate office is located at:

Perficient, Inc.
555 Maryville Centre Dr., Suite 600
St Louis, MO 63141
Phone: 314-529-3600


Whom can I contact for further investor information?
Please contact Bill Davis at 314-529-3555.
How can I report illegal or unethical behavior?
To submit an an anonymous and confidential report, please contact:
Audit Commitee Chairman
333 East 3rd Street
Harbor Springs, MI 49740